...Ticket Sales
...Garden Social
...Tour of Gardens
...Ticket Vendors
Central Gardens Event Blossoms
into Weekend
GardenFest -- A Chautauqua Weekend
June 25 - 27
Whether you are an avid gardener
or just enjoy the beauty of summer, there was something for everyone at
this year’s “GardenFest – A Chautauqua Weekend”
June 25 – 27. Formally called the Tour of Gardens, this popular
summer event now in its 4th year, has blossomed into an entire weekend
of exciting activities. This year three distinct events were held, weaving
Clear Lake’s Chautauqua history in with the love of the lake and
Social – June 25
Friday night’s “Garden Social” kicked off the weekend’s
festivities. From 6 – 8 pm, participants enjoyed a lively evening
under the tall oaks strolling to the sounds of outdoor musicians, “The
Last Minute Jazz Combo.” Dave and Twila Okerlund at 430 –
14th Ave North again hosted this year’s Garden Social by opening
up their lawn and gardens for the event. Wine and beverages were served,
along with gourmet refreshments including edible flowers. This upscale
evening featured several Iowa artists whose crafts add beauty and whimsy
to the garden. Folks appreciated Clear Lake’s unique history as
Dave Okerlund, evening’s host and internationally renowned speaker,
took us on a journey through his nostalgic rendition of “Chautauqua-Part
of Gardens – June 26
Five local gardens were showcased during this year’s 4th Annual
“Tour of Gardens.” On Saturday, June 26 from 10 am to 4 pm
we strolled at our own pace through lush gardens and interesting architectural
features. This year’s featured gardeners were: Mike Watson, 708
N 5th St; Donna Poole, 518 S 12th St; Donna & John Miller, 1201 S
8th St; Doy & Chad Gilbert, 8823 – 200th St; and Marlene &
Bob Bartlett, 12136A Lark Ave.
Bursts of color were everywhere as we saw how these gardeners combine
their love of the land with a bit of trial and error to make each area
unique and truly their own. Host gardeners and volunteer Master Gardeners
were on hand to answer questions.
Cruise – June 27 (New event!)
This year’s newest event was featured Sunday, June 27 from 12:30
- 2:30 pm. We boarded the majestic Lady of the Lake, docked just south
of Central Park and enjoyed featured speakers, John Perkins, Martha Huntington
and John Larson as they took us on a tour through “Anecdotes, Architecture
and Artifacts.” You didn't have to be a garden lover to take pleasure
in this afternoon. Desserts and beverages were included. We were glad
we didn't miss this memorable maiden voyage!
Proceeds benefit Central Gardens
of North Iowa. This year’s GardenFest Weekend sponsors include The
Red Geranium, Roger Harringa/John Wick Homes, and the Clear Lake Area
Chamber of Commerce.